Close-up of a wedge-tailed eagle alighting on a dead branch. In the background, out of focus, are grass, reeds and a little forest.Its wings are still outstretched. The pale feathers on the nape of its neck indicate that it is a young bird. Photo: Alfred Schulte, taken at Inala on Bruny Island.
Photo: Alfred Schulte, Inala, Bruny Island

You can’t manage what you don’t measure!

Our projects

Are our efforts to protect and recover threatened species working? Are the species we consider common still doing OK? Let’s work together to get up-to-date information, and help guide everyone’s conservation actions.

Where? Where? Wedgie!

Spend a day out in may with your eyes to the sky!

Raptor expert Nick Mooney stands in the sun, wearing a bright orange highlighter jacket and beanie, smiling at the camera. He stands among boulders beside grassland, near the edge of a large, remote lake in Tasmania’s south west, with mountains and a cloudy sky behind. Photo: Nick Mooney.
Photo: Nick Mooney


You’re invited to help track the numbers of our endangered wedge-tailed eagles, as well as the other day-active birds of prey, sulphur-crested cockatoos and corellas. Decades ago, there were estimated to be as few as 1000–1500 Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles. Since then, there’s been a lot of effort to reduce human impacts on these birds, but we don’t know if this is working. Are numbers now recovering, or stable — or continuing the suspected decline?

Find out more about the science

What do I have to do?

You’ll need to sign up to the Where? Where? Wedgie! web app or app, and choose a 4 km x 4 km square from the map, to survey on one or more of the official dates (Friday–Sunday 9–11 & 23–25 May 2025). Once it’s booked:

  • Read the instructions and plan a safe route round your observation sites. Confirm any landowner permissions you might need.
  • On the day, survey your square (you won’t be constantly surveying, but you’ll be there for at least 3 hours, longer if you’re walking). Bring family and friends!
  • Send in your records (even if you didn’t see any birds) using the app, web app or by mailing your paper datasheets. Check them online for any errors.

Full details and instructions including resources for you to gain or build on your bird identification skills.

Claws on the Line

Spend a spring day — or your whole spring and summer! — helping map and monitor Tasmania’s burrowing crayfish colonies.

A small Central North burrowing crayfish walks along the fingers of a man’s hand. Photo: Clare Hawkins.
Photo: Clare Hawkins


Five threatened burrowing crayfish species live in northern and western Tasmania, but they’re easy to miss! We’re aiming to gather more details on where they live to create predictive maps of their preferred habitat and help protect them. We’re starting out with a special focus on the endangered Central North burrowing crayfish, which is found nowhere else in the world except a small patch of northern Tasmania.

Find out more about the science

What do I have to do?

This is a very flexible project. You’ll need to sign up to iNaturalist app, practise using it and learn to recognise burrowing crayfish burrows. Then, any time you happen to spot some, you can record their location on the app (with the landowner’s permission!)

Full details and instructions including resources for you to learn more about these wonderful little animals and the science related to the project.

What else?

If your school is in the area where Central North burrowing crayfish live, you can book in a school visit in spring and join in on the annual art competition. Students learn all about burrowing crayfish, threatened species, maps and ecology.

Events calendar

Expedition Class


A third NatureTrackers project, CallTrackers, is now underway. Find out more…

Jim Lovell setting up audio equipment. Photo: Clare Hawkins.
Photo: Clare Hawkins


Two Tasmanian bats are internationally listed as threatened, and all eight resident species face many potential threats, but none are monitored. As for the Endangered Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), this bird’s wetland habitat is continuing to disappear and it’s currently thought there may only be 20–80 birds in Tasmania — can this be true? Let’s see if we can find out how these species are doing, and if Tasmania is managing the threats adequately.

Find out more about the science

What do I have to do?

  • Reserve a square (just like for Where? Where? Wedgie!) via the on-line booking map — and book your detector from one of our distribution centres.
  • Once you’ve familiarised yourself with the equipment and procedures, detailed in CallTrackers User’s Guide, you’re all ready to go!
  • You can reserve a detector for two weeks at a time. Leave the recorder out for eight days, upload the recordings (you’ll receive suggested identifications of what was calling) and bring the kit back to the centre.

Full details and instructions including resources for you to learn more about the animals being recorded, and the science of acoustic monitoring.

Close view of a wedge-tailed eagle perched on a dead branch, backlit against a pale blue sky. It has its back to us, but its head is turned fully round to stare at the camera. Photo: Peter Vaughan.
Photo: Peter Vaughan